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Farmhouse «Saffron» Restaurant

Our farm is located at 910 m s.l.m. the edge of the Sibillini National Park. At the moment we only restaurant.

Not very large, we have 42 places at the table, our service is very familiar.

You can taste typical local and regional recipes, as the border between Umbria and Marche, however, based almost exclusively on products and local production company.

One of our dishes, you can sample dishes with saffron, produced by, and the precious black truffle dishes winter and summer, produced in the local woods, such as mushrooms and greens, sauté and accompanied by lamb, sheep, veal or poultry, all produced on the farm. Because our farm is linked to the business which includes not only the cultivation of land, but also farming, semi-wild state, animals, it is always advisable to book.

The landscape surrounding the village of Fematre, which also belongs to Visso within which our farm is located, is pristine and allows you to take walks and hikes up to over 1300 m high and is a place that allows the space look around for miles, looking at the gorge of the Nera Valley, the highlands of Monte Fema and the nearby mountains. Come to our farm, both for taste and for the view.

Quote of the day

If you are looking for taste, creativity, sophistication and comfort you're in the right place!